My Beach in New Zealand

The photograph below doesn't really capture why I might feel passionate about this particular beach here in New Zealand and it's frustrating because Long beach is so definitely my beach.

My 17-year-old niece, the lovely Georgia, drove us out there yesterday and finally, it felt like I had returned ... completely returned.

Long Beach is located over the back of Dunedin city - turn left just before Port Chalmers, climb up into the hills and drive towards the east coast a while.

The sun was out, as was the tide, and the beach was like all of my favourite beaches here ... almost empty.

Cooper, the happy hound, fulfilled his role and chased the tennis ball endlessly.  And that was me, looking  like the happiest little kid ... just quietly wandering along the waters edge. 

The yellow lupins were in full-bloom and, honestly, they would have to be my favourite flower.  They have this delicate scent that, when mixed with the smell of the sea, is as close to heaven as I can get.

We sat in the sun out there on the beach, simply breathing in the best of New Zealand's air - 2 lovely nieces, my sister and brother-in-law, and the Belgian bloke too - just enjoying being there, back on that beach I love so well.

Mount Tongariro, that erupting volcano

It hasn't been dull ... not at all, since we arrived in New Zealand just 5 days ago.

Christine and Peter Kirker made sure we had the most delicious taste of Auckland before we headed off on that roadtrip, bound for their city, the capital called Wellington.

Sights seen and foods tasted along the way upheld the standard of extraordinary roadtrip.

And so it was, on that fabulous journey, I was able to photograph my first volcanic eruption. Safely roadside but spectacular nontheless ... Mount Tongariro.

Taniwha ...

Taniwha are supernatural creatures whose forms and characteristics vary according to different tribal traditions. Though supernatural, in the Māori world view they were seen as part of the natural environment. Taniwha have been described as fabulous monsters that live in deep water.

I saw this while wandering in Rotorua's geo-thermal park the other day and wondered about the Maori legends and the Taniwha ...