I first knew of Genova, Italy, back in 1999. I was finally able to visit in 2008, via a short flight from my then-home, in Belgium. It was love at first sight.
I had accepted the invitation of Paola, a Brussel’s-based Genovese friend and, after watching me fall madly deeply passionately in love with her beautiful city, she gifted me the keys to her place on Via Ravecca … right in the heart of the medieval centre. The Centro Storico.
I returned, again and again, over years, to Via Ravecca. The locals were kind, and I made so many friends during those visits.
Genova, the Genovese they became the place and the people I chose.
In 2016, I was finally able to move to the city. My free days were spent wandering the oldest intact medieval centre, in Europe, camera always in-hand. Taking photos, talking to locals, fascinated by the layers created by 2,000 years of existence.
Genova is the place where I have spent some of the happiest days of my life.
Arrivederci, Genova.