I spent 15 years, documenting events around Europe.
My aim is always to ‘disappear’ while I’m working: to capture the scene as it unfolds, as opposed to imposing my presence, and vision on an event. I record. A visual story-teller wanting to capture the story of each event.
I was the official photographer for an international exhibition - TASWIR- and based in Berlin for 3 months. I loved every moment of it. It was intense, challenging, beautiful, terrifying, rewarding … everything.
Shulamit Bruckstein, curator & director of TASWIR projects / ha’atelier, wrote about my documentary style of photography:
Any time I raise anything on stage, I ask Di Mackey to join the project. Her photographic work is magnificent and I love her presence: her portraits are stunning, they expose intimacy, humor, and pensiveness; her photographs capture the space, the movement, human interaction deliciously, in a way that one feels invited to an event long after it disappeared from the public scene.
In all her unobtrusiveness when working with the camera, Di is great fun to hang out with, the artists, scholars, thinkers, curators of our big Berlin exhibition highly appreciated her, and when working together in Cairo, Istanbul, Berlin, or wherever else, I enjoy her kindness, humor, and delightful presence.
I miss her at the time when we are “in between projects.” One of the first things I will do when starting a huge new project is to ask Di Mackey whether she wants to do the photographic work. I hope she will.