A Bit of Yarning ...

Yesterday I caught the train to Geel to meet up with Martin and go roadtripping.  Well, we were searching for things in museums in Wallonia, actually.

And we talked as we traveled, then talked some more while we waited for museums to open their doors.

We talked up a storm and did the whole lunch-on-the-side-of-the-road thing too.  Coffee and tea from the thermos.  Cheese and jam sandwiches courtesy of Martin.  it reminded me so much of trips made back home.

And I realised that it's lovely having a Kiwi friend out here in Belgium because yarning is the best way to pass a day sometimes.  And actually, Martin has the very best stories.

Thanks for a lovely day.

A Round-Up of Things Read Lately ...

I loved this possible love story out of New Zealand.

I'm absolutely enjoying The Pa Boys movie.  I'll post an interview with the writer/director at the end.

I enjoyed this story: Bringing a Daughter Back from the Brink With Poems.

And this ...  Ballet Dancers in Random Situations.

The stories of refugees are, almost always, heartbreaking but we don't often get to read of them in our everyday news, so I'll share the story of Mazhar.

I photographed Sinan Antoon while I was working in Berlin, and listened to him speak.  I will find his book, The Corpse Washer.

I have been introduced to a new blogger.  He made me smile with this story.

And then there was this: Over 200 works of Marc Chagall have been gathered worldwide for this major retrospective exhibition to discover from 28 February to 28 June 2015.  In Brussels.

I have interesting friends on Facebook and so these mostly come from there, then it's also where I share.   This morning it seemed like an idea to share over here too. 

Perhaps there's something for you ...