ADMIT by David Whyte

Admit, that once you have got up
from your chair and opened the door, 
once you have walked out into the clear air
toward that edge and taken the path up high
beyond the ordinary you have become
the privileged and the pilgrim,
the one who will tell the story
and the one, coming back from the mountain
who helped to make it.

David Whyte

From MAMEEN, River Flow: New and Selected Poem.

I would love to tell a story about this house.  It's the first I've fallen in love with, in years and years.

My Home.jpg

An Infinite Variety ...

rikshaw .jpg

It seems as though there is an infinite variety of ways to explore Genoa.

I couldn't resist using those words.  Most easily, you can use your own two feet, alone or guided.  There is a hop on/hop off bus.  There are segway tours.  A miniature train tour.  And, of course, public transport.  There are boats, bikes, outdoor elevators, and a funicular too.

And this rickshaw guided tour ...  


Girovagando qua e la'...

found in the carrugi.jpg

I returned to Genova in mid-March, and have spent the days since, walking these streets I love so well.  Walking with my camera in hand, as always ... 

It has been a difficult return.  Flying 10 hours back in time, to a new, much smaller, bedroom, and a complicated by all kinds of uncertainties.

But as always, the city has soothed me, and my city walks are getting me through these days of downsizing and exploring new opportunities.  

A facebook friend recently wrote, girovagando qua e la', and after translating it, I stole the words to keep for myself.  

Wandering here and there so perfectly describes my exploration of the city.  And, perhaps, my life too.

The photograph ... I found it at the weekend and loved it.  I actually discovered the artist had wandered all over the centro storico, leaving their distinctive art everywhere.  I wonder who it was ...

EuroFlora, Italy

not the umbrellas .jpg

Nervi, in Liguria, is hosting EuroFlora this year.   And as the small coastal town is only 9kms from Genoa, so it is that Genoa is celebrating the international event with a variety of EuroFlora-orientated actions.

The most startling, for me, has been the overnight appearance of 100s of brightly-coloured umbrellas, hanging above particular streets here in the city.

Walking to work recently, I discovered Via Aprile's sky-view had been completely filled with open umbrellas.  And over days, other streets and ceilings too, have been filled in the same way.

I wanted to capture the display in a different way, and actually ended up taking a series of images.  The photograph above was my favourite.

not just the umbrellas.jpg

Portrait Photography ...

favourite people.jpg

There is almost always laughter involved, in attempting to capture the soul of a person ... that photograph that gifts you a glimpse of who they might be when they relax.

We wandered around the Botanical Gardens, finding spaces where they could just be who they are.

A huge thank you for trusting me.

A Short Post About Joy ...

or this.jpg

I rediscovered the joy I experience when trying to capture the heart & soul of those I'm photographing.  

I was incredibly tired this day, and had no idea how to pull it together for this photography shoot.  

I had forgotten.  There is always this up-welling of joy when I work with people, trying to find who they are and gift it back to them in their photographs.