Slowly but surely, my life is finding its shape here in Genova.
And it has been full of so many beautiful moments this year. Yesterday was one more of those outstandingly excellent days. One where I had the pleasure of documenting an event that involved one of my favourite musicians ... Jack Savoretti.
Favorite because I like so many of his songs.
And I did something I've never done before ... but being Jack, he made it so easy to ask.
I have a little man in my life, I adore him. He's one. And we love Jack's music. He's transfixed by Catapult, we dance like fools to Written in the Scars, and adore the song Home.
And it was because of 'Home', that I asked Jack if I could have my photograph taken with him. I never do that ... never ever, but I wanted to send a copy to Mr One, who is back in New Zealand now. Some of his first words, in song form, were from 'Home'.
We might sing when we go out walking. Quietly, and within the limits of what can be sung by a one year old. 'H-h-h-home' became one of our 'going home' songs.
It's set in the city stadium here in Genova, that time when Genoa beat Juventus, it pleases both the Genoa fan in me, and that woman who loves Genova more than any place else. I used to watch the video while I was living in Belgium and England but missing Genova. It took me home.
And so yesterday, I photographed Jack, as part of an event I will write another post for, chatted with him a little, and yes ... I had my photograph taken for Mr One.
It was a good day.