This Other Life ...


This Fiordland life is full of creatures, especially now we have time to really see all of them.

There is the Fantail, as pictured above. We have a gang of 4 who, when ignored, have been known to fly right up to your face for attention.

Bellbirds chime at daybreak, and again in the evening. It’s a liquid song, like nothing I’ve heard before.

We have woodpigeons what whoosh through the trees. They’re a pair I think, and accompany all of us as we move through our days.

And then there’s the landscape.

Lately, there have been so many misty mornings. Mornings that become blue-sky beautiful before 10am.

It’s breath-taking.

But see for yourself. Here it is, in-between sunlight and mist.

Saturday morning, out walking the dogs.

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