Another Day That Sparkled Here in Surrey ...

I'm trying to write of this quiet sparkle I find in my days, so often, here in England.  It's when a day slowly fills with delightful people and things. 

Today there was the small boy who makes me laugh, a kind woman who is so thoughtful, a brisk walk into the village - delighting in how easy it is to stride out and cover distances quickly.  (My anemia moment is over but not easily forgotten). 

There was a trip to the next village with the loveliest man.  He's one of two drivers on a small bus I catch here and, both of them, they make me smile too. 

And then wandering in the village I call my city.  It's tiny but it's bigger than where I currently live.  There are 3 charity shops, filled with the most magnificent books that cost about a pound.  It's heaven.

Today though ... today I splashed out on the irresistible tea cup and saucer I found there.  Espresso cup and saucer really, the Wedgwood kind.  So very very affordable secondhand.  I took one and these two delightful elderly woman kind of descended on me and said, 'But you're only taking one?!' There are two!'

And then the volunteer working in the shop, joined in, laughing ... all of them telling me not to listen to them but who could resist, I thought to myself.

They were so sweet and funny and kind, that I bought the second one, and I'm not regretting it.

I said, 'but I live alone'

And they said, 'Yes, but when you find someone ... ' 

I love the people I'm meeting in England.  They are some of the sweetest ever, anywhere.  In 5 months, I've met no one horrid. 

And then I strode home again, stopping in at the cafe run by the French woman, here in my village.  I have my photography workshop venue, and she makes the most exquisite Mille Feuille - my occasional treat actually.

It's a been a good day, full of good people.

I love when that happens.