We started well, it was a lazy start ... the best kind on a Sunday.
After breakfast Rob and Angie took us all into the forest to walk thrugh to the Lough with the dogs. Unfortunately I got between one of the dogs and her ball without realising, and experienced the whole impact-with-fast-moving-dog thing. I thought I heard something crack in my lower leg but a short wait showed that nothing was broken.
I headed for home, threw some ice on it half-heartedly and then foolishly decided it wasn’t too bad and that I could walk it out. Fish and chips for lunch, my first here in Ireland, then we were off to the fair with everyone via one of the tiny roads near Lough Corrib. Photographs were taken.
Back at the house, downloading photographs, I fell asleep with some ice on that ankle of mine and frustratingly, I’ve woken in pain. Rob strapped it. He knows about stuff like this and I’m hoping it’s all gone in time for the ride across Ireland in the morning ...
Meanwhile it’s a beautiful day here. The photograph below was taken on the shores of the Lough of Corrib.