I know some really special people and, occassionally, we find ourselves in the same country at the same time.
Giovanni is originally from Milan but has spent many years living in New Zealand. We've never quite managed to be in Italy at the same time however I did visit him and his family when I was home 2 years ago.
Today he caught a train to Genova and I got spend a few hours in the company of this lovely man. We wandered the city, talking as we wandered. And tonight we met up again and went out for aperitivo with friends here.
I was saying goodbye (for now) to Donatella and Luciano (aka Susto E Soranzio), to Barbara, as well as a hello and goodbye to two people I hadn't met before but whose company I enjoyed.
The thing that most amused me was that I thought I was leaving on Tuesday. But no. An email arrived, that online check-in email that arrives 24 hours before departure. It would seem that I am leaving tomorrow ...
Probably best I found that out today.
Oh the laughter. And then the mad attempt to buy a train ticket because, you know, the trains will be quite full as everyone heads home after a long weekend. And in the rush, somehow, the ticket machines wouldn't take my money.
But I was in good company. Barbara and Giovanni made it happen ... well actually, we gave up and I bought one from the woman at the ticket counter.
So I've packed, more or less. And I have breakfast plans down in the old city for tomorrow. And I have to drop off my 'Monday food supplies' because, you know, I won't be here in the city.
Yep, it's all just one big adventure, isn't it.