I'm lying here, on my borrowed bed, looking out through the massive open windows in front of me, wondering I might go back to sleep here.
I love this apartment. It's just a divinely small package of cute but the fact that it's located above two bars in the 'happening' centre of the city means that falling asleep is something you need to relearn. The noise kicks off about 10pm and has still been going at 2am, when I've finally fallen asleep.
But the view and location is divine otherwise.
Life is delicious otherwise. I'm slowly slowly catching up with everyone I quietly adore here. Last night we wandered along to a tasting of the loveliest wines at Le Gramole. Wine like I had never tasted before. They don't have a website but the white wines were extraordinary and the reds were good too. The company was lovely and I need to find out more before I write on what we tasted.
We had a lovely university student called Raffaele patiently translating my questions to Italian to the guys in charge of pouring and explaining the wines. Then Barbara arrived at Le Gramole too and there was much laughter.
Back at the apartment, we 3 had a dinner made up of food from the Bio shop and from Le Gramole. Mozarella, with sweet juicy tomatoes, focaccia, and a bottle of the white wine just tasted down at the Le Gramole wine-tasting.
Tonight is about meeting up with Donatella and Luciano and there's a good espresso to find this morning and some people to see. The weather is exquisite, the people lovely. It's so very good to be back.
Below is a glimpse from the wine-tasting. We were the first people there ... it filled up later.
My Dad's been in hospital these last few days and we finally got what seems like good news. Fingers crossed.