A Still Life ...

We realised, counting back, that it has been 7 weekends since we had no plans, nothing scheduled, no one staying over ...

This weekend it's just Gert and I, and here we are, quietly working away at projects that need completed as soon as possible, eating what we feel like when we feel like it, and enjoying the simplicity of this sunny Saturday in Belgium.

I finally had time to write over on the Beautiful Liguria blog, time to work through those May photographs taken in Genova, time to update my blog, time to wash winter blankets ... you know? All that stuff we lose in the rush of everyday life ... lose to poor planning, and into that hole recently described as The 'Busy' Trap.

Last week I took some time to work through all of my notes, research and general paperwork, then carried on, sorting through my files of everything else too.  I rediscovered my desk top.  I made time to work out how to use the drawers on this now old 'new' desk.

Gert finished creating our new photography e-course.  I worked with Anna on the itinerary for the photography workshops in Genova.  A parcel of 'stuff' has headed for Germany where Miss 8 now lives with Ms 25 and the Prince of Nintendo (as we may have taken to calling Ollie.  Miss 8 and I.) 

There have been skype sessions where I have read Harry Potter  and the Goblet of Fire to her, and skype sessions where she writes to me in English - my little Dutch-speaking, about to learn German, Kiwi-born buddy.

There have been birthdays to remember, new apartments to view with friends who are moving, and a couple of long photography sessions at a yoga studio.  The last being so interesting because, until now, the closest I came to that kind of photography where the subjects didn't complain was the photography of sculpture.

And so, in finally exploring my folders of photographs from Genova, I found this still life ...