Wendy Towers, Psychotherapist - a women's therapy group

Wendy Towers is about to establish a second Women's Therapy Group here in Belgium.

She is opening the door to women who are interested in working together in a therapeutic way, women of all ages and at all stages in life.

She explained, 'the primary focus of the group is about creating a safe space where it is possible to explore our own lives; a space where we can be heard and where we are willing to hear others.'

The key words, when defining the group, are confidentiality, safety and commitment.  A therapy group needs to be a confidential space.  It is a dynamic that requires commitment.

Group size is limited to a maximum of 7 members.  Places will go quickly and so if you think this might be for you, give Wendy a call and talk it over with her.


You can read more about Wendy and her work over on her website - Wendy Towers, Psychotherapist

I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending this woman's work.

Just so you know.