The Fountain, Piazza De Ferrari, Genova

There are days when I achieve ridiculous amounts ... because I must. 

There are other days, when I smash into the wall that is too much to do and I am empty.

Yesterday was one of those inspired days.  This new website was born, today I was this crumpled heap who achieved things but not at the level I like to achieve.  Today was all about that early-morning school-run, the masses of laundry, about breathing ...

The new website is all about working with me in Genova, Italy.  Jess built it.  My daughter.  I was so impressed.  Her marketing campaign has begun and is impressing me too.

But finally home, with a computer screen that works, I am looking through photographs of those giddy-beautiful days spent in Genova last week.

The orange water ... the fountain there in the heart of the city is used to mark international days.  I was in the city during Multiple sclerosis week.


I am back in Genova and it is so unbelievably good to be here again.

I was drowning in the winter grey of Belgium, missing my great big Genovese walks round the city, missing the exquisite espresso that Simona and Marta make, the focaccia from Panificio Patrone in via Ravecca, and missing the pleasure of finding just the right food, in amongst all that is delicious at Francesca and Norma's shop.

11am, and I have walked around the old city, bought my pale pink flowers, eaten focaccia, had espresso. I have talked with people.  This place feels like the closest to home I have ever been while wandering outside of New Zealand these last 9 years.

The sky is a deep deep blue, the air is mild - unlike the freezing cold in Milano as I arrived yesterday.  People are out on the streets and, as always, they are talking to each other and greeting strangers.  Did I tell you how much I love this city?

I felt so very strong, walking the hills in a way that delights me, as it's my first time on hills since I was here last, back in November.

I'm here to put together a range of accommodation options for the photography workshop in April.  I have my favourite hotel but I need to cover all budgets.  I think it will be easy but I want to be sure of what I am recommending.  And I need just a few more specific photographs for the book.

No photos today though ... my hands were full of focaccia and flowers.  And my soul was singing too loudly to concentrate on pulling my camera out of my bag to use it. 

And yes, I am a wee bit much this morning but oh, it is good to here.