Fields of Gold, Bourgogne

You only are free when you realize you belong no place — you belong every place — no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great.

Maya Angelou.

I was looking for words to post with the photograph that follows and I was going to write something long about wandering in France, about finding fields of gold, about how I almost melted with joy when I found this field but maybe the photograph speaks for itself.

Wandering again ...

it was just a little wander but one that confirmed that I am happiest when catching a train or a plane, a bus or a car to someplace else ...

It was a short journey, maybe an hour and a quarter across Belgium, into French-speaking Wallonia.  There I had the loveliest day, lazily catching up with Wendy and Patrice, and Momo the dog.

And their sunflowers were stunning, just stunning!