Paola woke me at 4.45am Brussels-time, I think. The memory is vague at this other end of the day.
The taxi took us to the airport and the plane had us in Milan by 8.30am - a fast flight. Paola explained it, suggesting that 'traffic' was lighter at that time of the day, making us both laugh some.
She's driving our little bright bright yellow Fiat, the one that Hertz gave us. It's the latest model and you can't help but smile when you see it.
Genova is stunning ... better than every place so far maybe.
We have wandered, bookshopped, and eaten lunch. Dinner tonight was simply aperitivo - there so much more food than a tapas snack.
I've been out roaming, looking for a corkscrew for that wine that found its way into the apartment while Paola catches up with a friend who just had a baby.
I don't think I'm lost ... I know the internet shop is on a piazza close to the apartment, so it's just a matter of leaving and setting off in the right direction.
Well yes, it could be that the map is back 'home' on my bed.
It's been a good day so far, just in case you were wondering. I hope yours was too.