Well yes ... it was all about the fountain today.

So, it was all about the fountain in Piazza De Ferrari, as you will see in the posts and photographs that follow this one however ... I think it's a lovely way to visit the piazza here in Genova - via the fountain.  It is so central to all that is beautiful there.

The exquisitely-coloured building you can see in the background is the Palazzo Ducale.  It’s one of my favourite buildings, for all sorts of reasons, and the colour its painted facade turns when the light is just right, is sublime.

I love ...

I loved the way the light slowly revealed the beautiful buildings of Genova.

And the way that I would wake in the mornings... with people calling out and greeting each other in the street where I was living.

I loved the way that I woke not only needing a cappuchino for my breakfast but knowing that I could go find the best cappuccino I have tasted, just a few hundred metres down the road.

I loved the way the focaccia was soaked in just the right amount of oil and salt.

I loved choosing my fresh pasta and sauce and unwrapping the gift-wrapped package when it came time to cook it.

And I loved walking lost in the alleyways of the old city, aperitivo, Italian wine, the chocolates, the architecture, the sea, the bookshops, the language and the Genovese.