Welcome to Walker Creek, Fiordland. My favourite place when I lived in Te Anau.
Technically, the last image isn't the creek, it was actually taken further into the national park, at Mirror Lakes but I added it because it gives you a sense of the same kind of mountains just beyond 'my' creek.
On arriving there, I would make a small seat for myself in the long grass while my dog, Sandie, made herself at home in the creek. We could spend hours there, dreaming the day away.
When I returned, back in 2012, I was so intent on breathing in both the air and the scene that I didn't take any photographs of this creek. These images all belong to the Belgian bloke who made a beautiful job of capturing those places I loved to well while I wandered off into dream-mode again.
I yearn for that particular air, the peace of the place and the overwhelming sense of Nature pressing down on me but ... I have also become accustomed to Italy, France and to being here in the centre of the world.
I am divided in these days, unsure of which place is more for me. Loving Genova, and loving the memories of home. Perhaps it's best that I wander a bit longer.