That 7-Day Photography Challenge I Accepted ...

My friend, and much-published poet, Kay McKenzie Cooke, challenged me ... over on Facebook, to participate in a 7-day Nature photography challenge.

I knew I would have to begin with my 8,000+ selection of photographs taken when I wandered New Zealand, back in 2012.

I began with one where I had attempted to capture something of the beauty of the Lake Manapouri shoreline at sunset. I remember how I felt ... it was like opening my soul and letting the power of Nature pour in.  I hope some of that feeling is here for others to see too.

Vapor Trails ...

I’m looking up and in the sky there is the shiny glint of a jet airplane caught in the sun’s grasp, pushing silently east; I’m thinking there are four hundred people going somewhere else. I’m hoping that most of them realise the freedom of being 38,000 feet up and headed somewhere new.

Anik See, from A Taste for Adventure

I've been noticing the vapor trails jets leave behind lately.  So many planes pass over Belgium on their way to someplace else. So many.

Last night, a sliver of a moon showed up early, the sky was blue but with a rose-tint, the one that appears in the sunset hours.  I pointed my camera up from my seat here by the window and took a series of photographs. 

I think I captured something of what was out there ...