The wind was pummeling everyone there, watching the storm but none of us wanted to leave.
It was stunning.
The wind was pummeling everyone there, watching the storm but none of us wanted to leave.
It was stunning.
Later, I heard that this storm was the worst in 8 years, and I saw evidence of it where ever I went ... from broken boats through to the jetsam and flotsam littering the beaches and rocky shores of the coast.
It was truly stunning to be there though ...
Gert flew in yesterday afternoon, via Milano and a train, so I had some time in the morning and caught a bus back out to Boccadasse because ... huge winds were blowing and the sea was storming in the beautiful little fishing village I had first seen on a stunningly sunny and calm autumn day.
Once again I took over 100 photographs however this time I was covered in sea spray and so battered by the winds that I came home exhausted and chilled. The camera fared far better, as I cleaned it continuously with a special damp cloth and kept it under my coat.
I wasn't the only one taking photographs out there and when I'm back in Belgium, you'll probably see more of this superbly wild day on the coast of Genova.